Friday, July 17, 2020

22A - Elevator Pitch No. 3

Link to my video:


The feedback I received was very helpful. Firstly, I was told that I should mention pricing, something that I completely missed. Secondly, someone suggested that I don’t mention the fact that “anyone can break into a box.” This statement brought a bad connotation to my product and led the audience into a negative thought process. Lastly, someone recounted a story of someone’s lock box being stolen by just being picked up and taken away, which is also something that I completely forgot to think about.

Because of this feedback, I emphasized the reasonable one-time investment for my product. I also mentioned how the product would be bolted into the ground and took out the part of me saying how “anyone can break into a box.”


  1. Great job on your pitch. I was that “someone” who mentioned you should omit “anyone can break into a box” and told you about my friend who had his lock box stolen. I have to say that your pitch was seamless this time around, and there was no point, when watching, where I started to head down a negative thought process. This pitch was absolutely solid, and all I was focusing on was the features your product had, and what sense of security it could offer. I think you handled the feedback process very well, and I’m grateful for that because I felt bad for leaving a criticism. Your pitch was organized and focused, and you spoke very well. If you ever decide to make this idea a reality, I’ll be a customer.

  2. Hi Sophia! I really like how you made your pitch interactive with the audience and had them participate. This helps your viewers stay engaged and actively think about the role of your product in their life. In addition, I really liked how you incorporated statistics in order to show how there is a sizeable market for this kind of product. I think you did a great job delivering your pitch!


30A - Final Reflection

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