Friday, May 29, 2020

6A - Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

Regulatory Changes:

1: Trump’s executive order that limit the freedoms many social media companies have.

a)      I found this information on (

b)      I think that the social implications of this executive order provide an opportunity to assist those that it affects.

c)       The prototypical customer(s), in this case, are Twitter users, specifically. In order to be well informed, people must be taught the specifics of the new changes affecting Twitter.

d)      I believe this opportunity is relatively easy to exploit, considering the widespread use of Twitter and the huge reach that the topic of the protection of free speech has.

e)      Individually, I saw this opportunity because, firstly, I am a user of Twitter, and secondly, because I am interested in reading what the president has to say. I am also very interested in protecting against the censorship or removal of speech from the Internet by Twitter.

2: The travel ban placed on Brazil that begins Tuesday

a)      I found this information on Voice of America’s website (

b)      I think that this situation can lead to public outrage accusing racism or prejudice in the federal government. The opportunity here is information management.

c)       The prototypical customer is the average American citizen. American citizens are extremely divided when it comes to political and social opinion, and therefore are the best to help in this situation.

d)      This opportunity is easy to exploit because, again, foreign immigration and travel has been a hot topic for a while now.

e)      I saw this opportunity because I want to invest myself in the truth. I know that many people will probably see this executive order as prejudicial or discriminatory when in reality, I see it as a safety measure in this pandemic.

Economic Trends:

3: A bill giving small businesses more time to spend loans from the Paycheck Protection Program and allows them to spend less on payroll

a)    I found this information on MarketWatch (

b)    The information here, as a result of the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act, assists small businesses, but not individual employees. I believe the opportunity arises from the employees that will be paid less.

c)     The prototypical customers are employees of small businesses that are part of this program.

d)    I believe this opportunity may be more difficult to exploit because it requires the access to small business’ employee networks.

e)    I saw this opportunity because I have a relative that was recently laid off because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I want to see what I can do to aid those going through similar situations.

4: Democrats in the House of Representatives have proposed a second stimulus relief bill.

a)      I found this information on CNBC’s website (

b)      The situation here is the second round of $1200 stimulus checks. I think now that we have gone through the first round of this, people know what to expect. Therefore, I think the opportunity lies in what to do with these checks. In other words, I think people would benefit from assistance in this area.

c)       The prototypical customer is anyone who receives a stimulus check.

d)      This opportunity is relatively easy to exploit considering the large amount of people that would be receiving these checks.

e)      I believe many people can see this opportunity. It is a hard subject to ignore in today’s state of things.


  1. This is my favorite “6A” submission. It is not wordy, which is something I am very guilty of, and it is direct. You chose very powerful current events to focus on and I admire that. I think you have done an outstanding job identifying “why” these opportunities exist and you have managed to generalize the applicability enough to represent a much larger population that is affected by this, which, by the way, was a struggle for me. I think your “reason for seeing this opportunity” responses were very personal and driven by experience. An example is when you said that you invest yourself in the truth followed by a statement of your claim on the subject. This type of writing gives me a very clear picture of the type of thinker you are. The only criticism I have is in the sections where you discuss the “difficulty of exploitation.” These are areas where debate and perspective can occur, and a lot of your strong personality and ability to make firm arguments can begin to formulate the beginnings of possible solutions.

  2. Hi Sophia,

    You clearly did some great research to come up with these economic and regulatory opportunities, and I appreciate hearing your personal opinions on some of the topics. I 100% agree with you that the travel ban to Brazil is more to do with safety than anything prejudicial or discriminatory. Safety comes first at this point. You did a great job on this assignment, well done!

  3. Hi Sophia! I really enjoyed reading your list and the one that caught my attention the most is the last one. I think a stimulus check is perfect to bring the economy back up and start the business cycle again where people can buy and thus the overall country benefits from sales. Like you, I believe this is a topic that is hard to ignore since it is all that is being talked about. I liked your list and it seemed well researched, good job.


30A - Final Reflection

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