Thursday, July 9, 2020

19A - Idea Napkin No. 2

1) My name is Sophia Morin and I am about to go into my second year at the University of Florida. Something that I know for sure is that when I really want something, I put my all into making it happen. I focus on it and remain hardworking until I reach it. Similarly, I enjoy problem solving. Being a skill commonly used in computer programming, I know that I can translate that to entrepreneurship. I have always been aware of the issue of stolen packages, and I think that I can really bring my skills to the table to solve it. I also believe that I would be able to help my family and friends, as I know many people that fit my target segment.

2) I am offering a package lockbox that can withstand being placed outside, such as on a porch or outside of a gate. Without a key or electronic code, any package placed into it would not be able to be taken out. Furthermore, there will be an alarm that detects when someone is trying to break into the lockbox that will make a very loud noise, and call the homeowner. What’s innovative about this product is that it can also be used as an alert system for when packages do arrive. While keeping them safe, the lockbox would send a push notification to the owner’s device, alerting them that they package has arrived safe and sound.

3) This product would be offered mainly to middle-aged women with families. They live in more suburban areas and often order things for their entire families.

4) People would care about the product I am offering because not only do the customers want to fulfill their needs, but they also have to fulfill the needs of their family members. In order to do right by them, they would want to ensure that they are not wasting their money on packages that could get stolen. This one-time investment can ensure much more savings.

5) This product is valuable, and I think that I have the resources and skills to make it appear as such to customers. I am close to many people that belong in my target segment, so I would have a constant channel of feedback. Furthermore, I live in the kind of area that my target segment would, and will therefore be able to see how my product performs on a more personal level.

Ultimately, the aspects of my product fit together into one idea. With my personal experience and relationships, I believe I can demonstrate a cohesive image of what the product has to offer to consumers. On a side note, the one thing about the product that I must work on is the acquisition of my materials. I want to use a weather-resistant form of plastic, one that is sturdy enough to contain its features but also light and compact for the sake of user-friendliness.

In the feedback that I received, I understood and revised my Idea Napkin with two points: 
1) That I needed something to account for the fact that people will be staying home and thus not necessarily needing package security; In response, I added the feature of an alert system for when packages arrive. That way, people wouldn’t have to be so cautious and can instead be reassured that they may get their package at their leisure.

2) That it is not difficult to break into a plastic lockbox; Therefore, I added the feature of the sound alarm and the phone call to the homeowner to assist in either scaring away the burglar or giving the homeowner a chance to call the police.


  1. Hi, Sophia! Great job on your blog post. I like how you described yourself and noted how the skills you currently have can advance your entrepreneurial efforts. I also think that you explained your product clearly and successfully with great details and features. The issue of individuals stealing other people’s packages is growing as online shopping has taken off so I can certainly see the appeal and benefits of your lockbox. Nice work!

  2. Hi Sophia! I think that your idea is very beneficial and someone like myself would be interested in it for my family home or apartment at school. I think the addition of an alarm as well as a package alert system maximize the potential of the product. I think something to consider down the road is expanding your segment to include people that live alone and depend on packages to purchase items, maybe young working professionals or college students.

  3. You did a good job of explaining your product. I admire how you acknowledged the feedback from Idea Napkin No. 1 and used the information to increase the usability of your product. Hearing feedback and using it constructively has made a big impact on differentiating this product from others that are similar to it. I think the strength of this product relies on how closely you have tied it to a particular type of customer, more specifically your mention of “middle-aged women with families.” I can tell that you’re headed in the right direction by narrowing your focus and increasing your product’s features to cater to your targeted market’s needs.

  4. Hi Sophia,
    This is a great idea! I have seen way too many videos of people having their packages stolen from their front door. I'm really glad to see that you took into advisement the two feedback points and altered your business idea accordingly. My favorite was the alert system. As someone who is at home all the time, it's difficult for me to be aware of everything happening in my house and sometimes I don't even hear my own doorbell ring, so a push notification is helpful, especially for reminders or any important alerts. Overall, great response to the feedback and I'm glad you were able to recognize ways to improve your product!

  5. Hi Sophia!
    You did a great job of using your feedback to help enhance certain areas of your idea napkin, which I think is awesome! Adding the alarm feature to your lockbox is a great idea that definitely helps increase the sense of security for your customers and therefore increases customer value. The alert system that you have added for when packages are delivered is sure to add even more peace of mind for your customers! Awesome job!


30A - Final Reflection

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