Thursday, July 9, 2020

18A - Create a Customer Avatar

Meet Christy, a 50-year-old wife and mom of three teenagers. She lives in suburbs in South Florida, and is always ordering things online for her family and for her home. She enjoys doing this, often receiving multiple packages at once. She is a problem-solver, and enjoys having a sense of control over her own hobbies and responsibilities. When she’s not shopping online, she’s redecorating her home, gardening, or watch true crime documentaries and T.V. shows with her daughter. She also reads memoirs and nonfiction, and she’s currently reading Yesterday, I Cried by Iyanla Vanzant. Growing up, she was part of a nuclear family (but was always close to her mother, something that her own daughter has inherited). She loved to play with her big sister, whom she shared many Barbie dolls with. Her nature is simply and purely maternal, and thus, she drives a Lincoln Navigator to fit her entire family.

What I have in common with Christy is our shared placement of significance on family. She always strives to make the house her and her family lives in a home, and I believe that is important, too. Furthermore, I also am part of a nuclear family. These similarities might not be a coincidence, because I can easily see myself becoming just like her once I have a family of my own. I am growing up just like she did, and I hold the same values that she holds, too.


  1. You did a fantastic job with this assignment. Everything you wrote was so descriptive and close to real-life and the pictures you included solidified my thoughts of who your prospective customer is. Indeed, I believe every student at UF knows who this person is, whether it’s their mom or a friends’ mother, or a portrayal of a mother on TV/film. I can tell that this customer avatar is based on someone you know, and your focus on the problem of package theft is an extension of your concern regarding the security efforts to add a sense of sanctuary to this person. Honestly, I can’t add anything constructive to this submission. Your post is definitely something I wish I would have done as successfully in my own work. Great job.

  2. Hey Sophia,
    This is amazing. The detail and description provide so much information regarding your vision for your customer avatar. What I found more interesting about your take on the assignment is your similarities to the avatar you created. You mentioned that this isn't some you relate to right now, but will relate to in the future when you start a family of your own, which I found really insightful about yourself as an entrepreneur. Overall, great job!

  3. Hey Sophia! Great job creating your customer avatar. I'm impressed with how descriptive it is and the amount of detail which you included. This gives me such a great understanding of who your target audience is and how you can use that to target potential customers. You brought in so many details that I would have never thought to include in my customer avatar.
    Awesome job!

  4. Hey Sophia, good job on the customer avatar. All of the pictures you included really help to personify your prototypical customer. I found the section comparing the customer to yourself interesting, that you can see yourself being similar to them in the future rather than them being based on your past or current self. The inclusion of the TV shows and book was well done and contributes a lot to the avatar.


30A - Final Reflection

  I think that throughout all of the assignments this semester, the one about my own personal human capital struck me the most. This is beca...