Friday, June 19, 2020

16A - What's Your Secret Sauce?

1)      Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.
1.       I have a genuine interest in problem solving, especially within the topic of computer programming.
2.       I am, or I like to think that I am, able create relationships with others easily and can make friends quickly, leading to networking and business opportunities.
3.       If I am truly interested in a project, I invest myself in it, learn all there is to know about it, and quickly become familiar with the material.
4.       I have experience in a work environment due to my 2-month internship with an artificial intelligence startup.
5.       As long as I am invested in a project, I can work for hours on end.


My mom thinks that I am conscious of others, ambitious, eager, and motivated. Most significantly, she thinks that I am a perfectionist.

My dad thinks that I have good social skills. To add on to that, he thinks that I also don’t care what others think of me in a productive way.

My brother, Manny, thinks that I always persevere, that I am hard-working, diligent, focused, and intelligent. He also mentioned these traits in regards to my SAT score.

My boyfriend, Brian, thinks that I am charismatic, that I have good people skills, and that I have a good work ethic. He also thinks that I am firm in my beliefs and that I stand my ground.

Similar to Brian, my brother, Michael, also believes that I am very strong in my beliefs. He also thinks that once I put my mind to something, no one can deter me from that.

From these brief interviews, I have found that the way I see myself more or less coincides with how those closest to me see me. After all, we agree on the people skills and the hardworking attitude. However, I never saw myself as much of a perfectionist until now, and I have to say I agree. If I look back, there are many instances where I will be done with a task or a project, but spend a large amount of extra time making sure there are no mistakes. Overall, I think my interviewees are correct about me, because who else is best equipped to judge me than them? If I had to make any corrections to my previous list, I would change the first one to “ambition for” instead of “interest in.” Additionally, I would add the firmness in my beliefs to the list.

P.S.: It might take two tries to download the audio file!


  1. Hi, Sophia! It seems as though you are a driven person who will work to achieve your goals. It’s great to hear your mom note that you are conscious of people around you and it's funny to hear her say you are perfectionist, almost to a fault, because my mom almost always tells me that too. Also, having social skills, perseverance, and strength are great qualities and will be beneficial to your future business endeavors.

  2. What wonderful people you have in your life. It was very nice of them to say such great things about you. I would definitely agree with your list of things that make you unique, though we are bound to run into others at UF who are smart and capable, it is the rare combination of your strengths, which make you special. On a side note, I have a lot of respect for your pursuit in computer programming, and it most certainly takes a lot of perseverance to accomplish that. It sounds like you have a great future ahead of you.

  3. Hi Sophia! Overall, you seem to be a very self-aware person as you were able to describe your human capital and those closest to you seem to agree the attributes you described. It is always fascinating to hear from others and see what exactly it is that we do not necessarily see in ourselves. That is always a great learning experience!

  4. Hi Sophia,
    Your take on this exercise was really interesting. I see the similarities between your view of yourself and the views of your closest people, but I think it's so great how they each also pointed out a different attribute that you had not mentioned. It's amazing to have people we can trust to uplift us and help us grow and develop capital that we didn't even realize we had.

  5. Hi Sophia,
    These people in your life speak so highly of you. I was more interested in your 5 choices in your human capital. That is such great insight into you as a person. These attributes are so specific to you that they also expose readers to other attributes/interests you have that are not listed. For example, you mentioned that you worked with AI for an internship, which gave me insight as to your interests and your human capital as to what types of skills you would need to possess to succeed in that type of work environment. Overall, this post is probably one of my favorites from you.


30A - Final Reflection

  I think that throughout all of the assignments this semester, the one about my own personal human capital struck me the most. This is beca...