Friday, May 22, 2020

2A - Bug List

Hello! Here are 20 things that bug me:

1. When the Dairy Queen line on Bird Road gets so long that it loops around the parking lot
Why? This exists because of everyone being in quarantine and many people having a craving for ice cream at night after dinner.

2. When I go to run outside and it is too hot to enjoy the run because of the time of the day
Why? This happens because sometimes my running partner can’t run at our usual time (4:00).

3. When my computer charger doesn’t reach comfortably from the wall to my bed
Why? This happens because my charger is too short.

4. When I triple-click on a line in PowerPoint and it only gets highlighted for a second
Why? I really don’t know why the issue exists, but it has to do with the difference between PowerPoint and Word (it never happens on Word).

5. When my Spotify switches from playing music on my phone to my mom’s while I’m driving
Why? My mom’s phone sometimes automatically takes control when it connects to her car or, sometimes, she just takes it.

6. When the router's signal in my house doesn’t fully reach my bedroom
Why? My room is one of the farthest from the router.

7. Each time I have to change my Netflix password after forgetting it
Why? I never write the password down.

8. When I go to run at the track near my house, only to find out it is closed
Why? The track is closed on Sundays, and I always forget this.

9. When I try to add a song to one of my Spotify playlists and I get the pop-up saying that it is already in the playlist, and after I press cancel, I still have to leave the playlists screen instead of being taken back to the specific song I’m listening to
Why? I never remember what songs are in certain playlists and what songs aren’t.

10. When I get in my bed and realize I don’t have my retainer on
Why? Obviously, I am very forgetful.

11. When I come to my room late at night and realize I haven’t taken my prescribed inhaler (that is across the house) before going to sleep
Why? Ditto.

12. When my family runs out of my favorite flavor of sparkling water and I am left with other flavors
Why? My favorite flavor is also everyone else’s favorite flavor: black cherry.

13. When I find a notebook and I have to rip pages out of it to make it blank
Why? I like to start empty notebooks without finishing them.

14. When I’m working on a coding project and I continue to receive the same error message for 2 hours
Why? I don’t go to office hours. Usually, it is a simple issue that can be fixed in a matter of minutes.

15. When I go to get coffee and there’s no water in the coffee machine
Why? The person who used it before me didn’t refill the machine with water.

16. When, as I’m leaving, I ruin my nails right after they are done and have to go back in to fix them
Why? I am clumsy, and I usually hit the door on my way out.

17. When I am using Google Chromecast to put Netflix on my TV but then I can’t pause it until it reconnects to my phone
Why? I wish I knew why this happens, but I think it has something to do with my Wi-Fi, because it happens to everyone in my house.

18. When a song I really like is available everywhere but Spotify
Why? The artist of the song doesn’t have a contract with Spotify.

19. When Reddit videos and GIFs take really long to load and buffer for a very long time
Why? This problem is either caused by my cellular service provider, or by Reddit’s servers.

20. When I hit a crack or a stone that causes my skateboard to stop instantly, throwing me forward
Why? My skateboard has very small wheels.


This list was somewhat difficult to come up with, but once I thought about the things that I do on a daily basis, such as listening to music on Spotify, coding, wearing my retainer, etc., it became a little bit easier. Many of my bugs have something to do with services (Spotify, Reddit, etc.). Therefore, I’m sure many people have the same things that bug them as I do. I did like how I had to say why these things happen, because it automatically shows me what I can do to fix them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Sophia,

    These are a great list of bugs! Your bug about forgetting to wear your retainer made me chuckle because I remember when I had to wear mine and always forgot - it was such a bad habit. I learned a few things about you through this list - you seem to be very active (running and skateboarding) which is great. For me, the list was also relatively difficult at first but became easier once I started to think of my daily routine.

    Good job on the assignment!

  3. Hey, enjoyed reading through your bug list. The bug about your charger not reaching your bed is pretty relatable at the moment because where I am staying now, the outlet is too far for my phone charger to reach my bed. I have also run in to many annoying bugs on reddit, currently having one on the app where posts wont refresh unless I switch profiles.


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