Thursday, July 30, 2020

26A - Celebrating Failure

1)      This semester, I am taking Principles of Marketing, as well as this class. I severely underestimated the course load, and it really came back to kick me in the *** (for lack of a better saying). I was so caught up in being home and able to relax away from school that I completely failed myself and didn’t begin creating the sort of study habits I needed in order to do well in that class. The time came to begin preparing for the first exam, and again I underestimated the amount of work I needed to do. I hadn’t even watched any of the lectures. I ended up having to cram them in one weekend, along with learning weeks’ worth of material, as well. Let’s just say I failed myself to the point where I have to get near-perfect scored in the other two exams to get an A in the class.

2)      I learned about myself with this failure. I learned that I tend to procrastinate way too much and ultimately do worse in school because of it. However, this experience helped me, as I was able to get an A on the second exam just because I prepared with enough time. Therefore, I learned about how to manage my time better while I’m home, too.

3)      I believe failure is necessary in life. If you don’t fail, how do expect to learn? If I had to look back on past failures I have had, I wouldn’t change any of them, because I know that I learned something from each of them. I also have learned to take failures as opportunities. I used to allow them to bring me down, but now (as seen with my second marketing exam) I have learned how to use them for my own benefit. That way, they don’t go to waste as just “bad experiences.” I think that this class has taught me about taking risks. I now know that if I don’t risk failure when I reach out to someone or pitch a new idea, I’ll never be able to grow as an entrepreneur. Therefore, I am 10 times more likely to take risks with social connections now than I was a few months ago before I took this class.


  1. Procrastination is the bane of my existence. I’m glad to hear that you were able to catch yourself in time. Fighting procrastination is so difficult because it’s the default safety-mode that our brains want to enter because school is so challenging and demanding. I think being at home can make things worse, on-top of being in a comfortable setting, I think family members don’t necessarily understand the amount of effort that is required at UF. You have learned a very valuable lesson, one that I have learned in the past and I’ll keep with me forever.

  2. Hi Sophia! I completely understand where you're coming from. I had the same issue coming home this summer and taking two online classes. With everything going on in the world right now, my classes seem to get the lease amount of attention and I have learned to prioritize better. I remember that class well and it definitely requires a lot of study time. Time management is a very important skill for us all to learn at this point in our lives. Great post!

  3. Hey Sophia,
    I so often have struggled with this exact same problem. I actually did almost the exact same thing last semester in my Microeconomics class. I failed to prepare for the first exam and had to work super hard on the other two to do well in the class. I was thankful that the professor also gave us an opportunity to do a makeup exam, due to the effects that the coronavirus was having on everyone's lives. It's a relief to have a second chance like this when you make an honest mistake and still want to succeed in the class. Great job!


30A - Final Reflection

  I think that throughout all of the assignments this semester, the one about my own personal human capital struck me the most. This is beca...