Friday, June 5, 2020

8A - Solving the Problem

My problem is that of people's packages being stolen. Although items like cameras on porches exist, this does not fully solve the problem, as people often get away by the time someone sees them on the camera. Therefore, I would like to propose the creation of easy-to-use lock boxes. I think that people can be able to have as many copies of the keys, and therefore have only people they trust have access to their packages. I also think there should be a way for delivery people to insert packages without having to open it, a package slot, of sorts.
I think this product would be easy to market, especially considering the situation we are all currently in. With an increase in online shopping nowadays, I am confident that it would be a smooth product development, with a large sample size of customers to provide feedback. Ultimately, this could even last past the worldwide pandemic, as people are overall are going to be more careful in future, as well.


  1. Hey,
    This is a good solution, it would definitely solve the problem assuming the lockboxes are secure enough and are themselves difficult to steal. I suppose there is not much stopping someone from leaving an open safe on their porch for packages to be left in, but it would probably be possible to market a product that is essentially that.

  2. Hi Sophia,
    Your idea for a package lockbox is really awesome! I have had a package stolen before, and it is so frustrating. I would definitely want to purchase your product! Having a large safe-like box on your porch might not be desirable for some people because it probably would look strange, so maybe you could market it as something that you can get installed next to your door that would deposit the packages directly into the house. Great job!

  3. Hi Sophia! I think you have a great idea, this would be especially useful to people who work most hours of the day and have to worry about packages sitting out front of their house for most of the day. While living in an apartment complex I have had the luxury of my packages being secured at the front desk. However, I did not have this while I was living in a house and can remember worrying about packages getting stolen all the time while at school or work. Awesome idea!


30A - Final Reflection

  I think that throughout all of the assignments this semester, the one about my own personal human capital struck me the most. This is beca...