Thursday, June 11, 2020

12A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

1)      Segment

For this assignment, the segment I will be choosing is that of women in South Miami that have families they order multiple packages for.

2)      Interviews

Interviewee 1: 50-year-old woman with a husband and three children

This interviewee is mainly concerned with the fact that her home has a large front yard, leading to her packages being left outside her gate. Her packages have been stolen before, and she usually just receives the packages and picks them up at the gate when she gets home, hoping they have no been stolen. When asked about need awareness, she highlights that it is something she knows she needs to address whenever she grabs a package from her gate, places an order, is waiting for her order, etc.. She has not conducted much of an information search. However, she does know that if she did, she would certainly be looking for ways to either 1) deter potential burglars or 2) have the packages be unreachable to everyone but herself.

Interviewee 2: 45-year-old single mother with 2 children

This interviewee, having a 10-year-old and a 12-year old, is constantly ordering things they need for school and their extracurricular activities. Considering the fact that she is raising her kids on her own, she is often worried about her packages being stolen. She becomes aware of the need for her packages’ protection, due to the importance of what she’s receiving. She feels this especially when she is waiting for her orders to come in, wondering “What if they don’t get here?” She has done some research, looking through department stores online for some sort of lockbox. However, she hasn’t been able to find something specific to her needs, that is, something specifically created for her problem.

Interviewee 3: 30-year-old with woman a husband and a newborn

This interviewee, just starting out with her family life, is interested in ensuring the safety of her future purchases. She has heard so many other stories of others that have had their packages stolen, and wants to take preventative measures to avoid that. She recently began ordering clothes for her baby and small decorations for her new home. Her experience with information search is similar to that of interviewee 2, where she has looked around but has not found anything tailored specifically to the problem she believes she will have.


3)      Conclusions

From these interviews, I have come to the conclusions that 1) people mainly become aware of this need when they are waiting, or hoping, for their packages’ arrival, 2) that most of the target segment has searched for a solution without finding one specific to what they need, and 3) that I can be the one to finally create a product specified to protect packages from burglars. Therefore, I will continue to be focusing on women with families, as these interviews have affirmed, and will furthermore market the product with its unique specialization to the issue at hand. I also know that because women are using the internet when they become aware of their need and search for how to fix it, the product’s advertising can be distributed on online shopping websites, such as Amazon, Overstock, Ebay, and more.


  1. Hi Sophia, once again, I enjoyed reading your post. Good job interviewing people across an age gap of 20 years, and with different family structures. All three interviewees could benefit from your lockbox, so that is encouraging. Something that would've been interesting to ask about is if their need awareness increases when purchasing specified items that cost more money. I know when I have something expensive being delivered, I'm always ready to get home to get it inside. With your lockbox, I would get rid of my worries.

  2. Hi, Sophia! Great job conducting these interviews - they were detailed and offer a greater insight into the problem you want to fix. I think most people who have ordered packages online have had their packages stolen or know someone who has had this happen to them, so there's definitely an unmet need here. Great job!

  3. Hey Sophia, I think the segment you have chosen to focus on is a reasonable one. Though I do wonder if this might be a bigger problem for households where the residents are all full time workers. With a family, because there are more people in the home, it is more likely that someone is home to accept the package on arrival.


30A - Final Reflection

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