Thursday, June 18, 2020

14A - Halfway Reflection

1)      This course is very assignment-heavy, and I often found it difficult to get used to the 12 p.m. due times on Fridays. However, I was able to keep up by setting alarms on my phone. Furthermore, I found that once I got used to my alarms going off, I was remembering to do the assignments without them. Additionally, I started waking up earlier, around 8 a.m., to create the habit of checking on my assignments for all of my classes this semester before any were due.

2)      A moment in this class that I felt like “giving up” was when I missed two assignments. Because of how important the assignments were to accumulate points, I panicked for a bit about the effect this mistake would have on my grade. However, to make myself feel better about this, I calculated what my grade would be as long as I kept on top of the course, and therefore was able to feel some form of control over the situation.

Because I am taking two classes this semester, I believe that I have developed a somewhat tenacious attitude. I had to make sure that my head went to “summer mode,” and instead stayed focus on the tasks at hand. Furthermore, having to remember the assignments and bigger projects for both classes made me more hardworking over this summer.

3)      Three tips for this course would certainly be:

1.       Creating habits that help you keep up with the assignments each week.

2.       Give yourself time to finish the assignments with quality.

3.       If you forget about something or make a mistake that will affect your grade, let that make you work harder for the highest grade you can get.


  1. You made some great points in your overall reflection of this course. I completely agree with all of them. I think that the three tips you provided for this course would certainly be beneficial for anybody and I also believe they are general enough to apply across all classes. I admire how you were able to bounce back from missing two assignments, something that may not have been true if I were in the same situation. I will admit that the work-load for this class caught me off guard as well, which took a lot of adjusting too. I like how you mentioned that this class resulted in your sleep schedule changing, a very funny point to bring up. Good post and an accurate portrayal of student life in ENT 3003.

  2. Hi Sophia,
    I thought your halfway reflection was really well thought out and relatable to my own experience in this class. I definitely missed a few assignments because of the 12 pm Friday deadline. I was really used to having 11:59pm deadlines, and this class has really pushed me to do my work ahead of time. Your three tips were great and I wish I could send them to my pre-class self!

  3. Hi Sophia! Like you, I found it sometimes difficult to keep up with the 12 p.m. due time on Fridays seeing as all my other assignments are due at midnight. I liked your tips especially the first one, I think creating a schedule of when to do the assignments is very helpful for this course because there are many assignments to get done in a short period of time.


30A - Final Reflection

  I think that throughout all of the assignments this semester, the one about my own personal human capital struck me the most. This is beca...